I don't use such 'complex' discussions with YOU! The reason I did it is because David has a LOGICAL and INTELLIGENT MIND!
I STRESSED that I was NOT saying that it was an analogy for the WHOLE debate but a way of showing that David's CORE assumption could be SHOWN to F*A*I*L even in the SIMPLEST circunstance of a 'dripping tap'. It is therefore plain WRONG of David to use that 'drop in the ocean' argument as a 'clincher' when it was SO easy to show where it would FAIL!
That seems to be just a LITTLE too complex for you......... hence why I don't USE it with YOU!
So....... what SORT of 'discussion' or 'evidence' or LOGIC or FACTS S*H*O*U*L*D I use for disussions with YOU.... for the man who BOASTED that NO FACTS, EVIDENCE, DISCUSSIONS or LOGIC would EVER get YOU to change your mind?????
Amswers on a postcard to.......
While you hold that STUNNINGLY MINDLESS, ARCHAIC and almost R*E*L*I*G*I*O*U*S example of a closed mind, then there really IS no point in discussings things with YOU! I would have more effect talking to a brick wall! Change that STUPID position and I'll treat your views as a WORTHY of discussion!
If there is one thing I LOATHE in life, it's bigotry! I suspect you realise that, now!