Al Gore's film was to scare fat and rather stupid Americans. It WORKED!
However, it's silly of you condemning it when I don't hear you condemning advert for Coca Cola, Nike 'plimsoles', the Sun 'newspaper', McDonalds, etc.. Al's film and the rest of that list is aimed LOW becasue that IS the l;evel of the general public. Look at it from Al's point of view: simple, mindless, repetitios stuff WORKS......... or who in the right MIND would pay EXTRA for sub-standard PLIMSOLES made by CHILDREN???? When the General Public are imvolved, you CANNOT pitch your sale's technique TOO LOW! Well done Al for noticing HOW to get your point across.
However, it's simply AS wrong of you to blame the GW 'believability' on THAT film as it would be for ME to condemn the Anti-GW debate becasue BUSH used to support THAT side!
So..... where can you find LESS biased info? Simple: read a FEW copies of New Scientist! It's a simple 'digest' of technology, science, and opinions about ALL aspects of science! It is VERY 'anarchic' and they REGULARLY publish articles about BOTH sides of all subjects. However, after you have been FLOODED with all the clear EXAMPLES about the effects of GW, I suspect you TOO, will be CONVINCED!
Do remember that I am JUST as desperate as YOU are for me to be WRONG on this one! I WANT to keep my Subaru. If I am WRONG I shall be DELIGHTED! I'll sing and dance in the STREETS with the REST of you and I'll publish HUNDREDS of apologies and SMILE about it! I am NOT a 'hair shirt' man!
There is NO POINT in JUST me getting rid of the Subaru because I am JUST a drop in the ocean....... but I WOULD support a NATIONAL or, better still, a World WIDE (yeah.... likely!) drive to REDUCE wasteful use of ALL fuels, not just TRANSPORT fuels because THAT WOULD make a DIFFERENCE even if that WOULD mean that I have to give up the Subaru!!
Read the FACTS and you end up JOINING me! Also remember, I took the SAME stance as YOU...... until I read the EVEREST of evidence about it!