Ian i'm not trying to argue that the temp has not been increasing over the 100 years, but then the earth has been warming since the last bleadin ice age!!!
You can argue that the temp is changing far quicker than before but that doesnt stick with me, satelittes have reported no global increase in temperature over the past 20 years. Its not unusual for the earth to go through these phases anyway (holocene maximum anyone) and as our man made contribution of co2 to the atmosphere is only around 0.2% its hardly surprising that some people find it hard to believe we have ANY effect on our atmosphere.
Please by all means, continue your wonderfully colourful posts asking if I am drunk, or calling Singers a Tw*t, but it would be nice to be able to have a discussion like adults and not like school kids. I am fully open minded on the subject, I did not come into this with any agenda or a view as to which theory I would believe or not, I am trying to stand back and look at the whole situation LOGICALLY. And to ME, there is just as much EVIDENCE out there that global warming has NOTHING to do with man, and EVERYTHING to do with other greenhouse gases and natural cycles.