"Of course kicking the fossil fuel habit is a no brainer. That's part of the ulteria motive that governments have."
....So, a No Brainer is a BAD thing? ...Or King the Fossil Fuel Habit is a GOOD thing? ...Or Ulteria motives are a GOOD thing?
..... go on....... EXPLAIN EXACTLY HOW a 'No Brainer' CAN have an "Ulteria Motive"...... and/or how HAVING that "ulteria motive" FAILS to STOP it being a 'no brainer'!!!!
"Using 'emissions' as a convienient excuse to clamp down on any motorised hobby, is not"
...... and THERE we HAVE it! The simple PROOF that you are quite BONKERS!
Yup....... I now see your point..... the WHOLE of the Global Warming threat is an INVENTION to stop YOU from Karting!!!!
Stunning, Staggering and MINDLESS all in one go!
Ohhhh.... I am INTO this now! Yup, that's the WHOLE reason we went 'nuclear' way back in the 1950s! To make sure that RoadRat moved to France! Where even your damned LIFT buttons are radioactive!