So..... how do you SUGGEST we get such a 'bias proof' measurement? Please remember, despite the likes of Pullman and Terry Nation suggesting time travel, we haven't MANAGED that yet.....despite what you want think is 'plausible'.
Secondly, explain EXACTLY how your cut and pasting APPLIES to your explaination..... as it DOESN'T! Where DOES your explanation discuss the 'hockey stick' example mentioned?
Thirdly, the 'hockey stick' is NOT the only 'evidence', it was merely the FIRST of the pieces of evidences that was used! We have MANY other examples which clearly show an upward trend WITHOUT the need to rely on the 'hockey stick' type view of the problem.
So...... try to EXPLAIN what it means and HOW your cut-and-paste bits APPLY!
Finally, do the REST of it..... tell us WHERE you got the C&P and WHO wrote it and in what way are the QUALIFIED to be treated as a CREDIBLE SOURCE and WHO reviewed it and WHERE it was PUBLISHED! In other words...... do some damned WORK and THINK about what is being said, not just flit about like some sort of bee in a flower field!
Show you have some DEPTH of understanding..... 'cause you DON'T!