* Not the Dark Matter stuff * Not the Phillip Pullman Stuff * Not 'Solar Hydrogen' (!) 'leaving' water in the atmosphere * Not a SINGLE cold weather spell proving global warming has STOPPED * Not the fact that you don't comprehend that the CONCEPT of Global Warming INCLUDES the idea that it will incrase the RANDOMNESS of the 'weather'. * Not the 11 year Sun Spot cycle causing a 150 year Global Temp Rise * Not the fact that you had the energy outputs BACKWARD at Sun Spot highs and lows * Not that ANYONE can date the exact MOMENT that Global Warming STOPPED (in 2007) * Not cars being run on WATER * Not using 'split water' as a FUEL SOURCE (as opposed to being an MORE effecient energy STORAGE system. * Not using compressed AIR as a FUEL SOURCE as opposed to being a more efficient energy STORAGE system. * Etc. * Etc.
Those are just SOME of the complete JOKE concepts which you have CLAIMED!
And that is the POINT! I haven't just attacked you because you are promoting something RADICAL! It becasue you KEEP promoting stuff that even a CHILD can see is TRIPE!
On EVERY occasion, I have taken the trouble to SHOW why your DAFT ideas are WRONG! Not for one SECOND have I simply DISMISSED them! I have given EVIDENCE on every single occasion even taking the trouble to EXPLAIN the physics to you.
And THAT is the point TOO! I don't simply say 'you are WRONG', I tell you WHY you are wrong and ask YOU to show why you are RIGHT! And you fail on EVERY occasion!
Prove that I am WRONG! For example, show us the LOGIC behind your idea that the Sun Spot cycle is the CAUSE of Global Warming (cooling!) by explaining HOW an 11 year cycle produces a 150 year RISE in temp! Don't QUOTE someone else, EXPLAIN H*O*W your idea WORKS so that we can SEE if it hold up to scrutiny!
Go on, JUST DO IT!
That's the POINT! On EVERY Occasion, you have stated some OTHER bizarre idea and have NEVER attempted to explain HOW it could lead to the effects we see....... and that IS what makes us different! All YOU need to believe is that something MIGHT be 'plausible' at FIRST GLANCE! What I require is that the idea hold up when you SCRUTINIZE it!
Put simply, not ONE of your 'plausible ideas' hold up if you give them ONE MOMENT of thought..... and that's WHY you have so MANY!
If you EVER manage to propose a view which DOES withstand the test of LOGIC, then I will be willing to AGREE with you! While they don't, I shall remain your implacable OPPONENT!