Tmoon....... don't YOU start!
You, like Singers, are cofusing the STAGGERINGLY repetitive sun spot cycles (11 years) with OTHER potential changes in the sun's outputs!
The second point that Singers misuderstood is that the Sun gives off MORE heat and 'material' at times of LOTS of Sun Spots and less of BOTH when there are NO Sun Spots! We have just arrived at the REPEATED 11 year low in numbers of Sun Spots and have been heading that way for the last 5.5 years! That LOW level of Sun Spots has been coinciding with an INCREASE in Global Temps. I am STILL awaiting how Singers explains THAT 'conflict' of his ideas! If it WAS 'sun spots' we'd see Global Warming with an 11 year cycle........... and we DO NOT!!!!!!!!!
Secondly, as Sun Spots fluctuaute over an 11 year cycle, how does THAT explain the current round of GW started about 150 to 100 years ago, In that time, we would have had TEN peaks and troughs. So..... how does THAT 11 year cycle give rise to a 100-150 STEADY climb????
Not a soul on this PLANET (with any sense!) would doubt that SOME fluctuations in the Sun's output COULD cause Global Warming AND/OR Cooling. We would be STUPID so to do!
However, it CANNOT be the 'sun spot' cycle (as discssued above) as the 'timing is TOTALLY wrong. So....... just tell us WHAT it IS about the the Sun that HAS been increasing in its output over those 100-150years because NO ONE ELSE has been able to FIND it!
And we HAVE been LOOKING!!!!!!