sounds like you're running scared!
again you're accusing me, therefore accusing peer reviewed scientists of being imbeciles!
“Even Doubling Or Tripling The Amount Of CO2' Will Have 'Little Impact' On Temperatures,” says Dr. Geoffrey G. Duffy, a professor in the Department of Chemical and Materials Engineering of the University of Auckland, NZ. Duffy has published 218 journal, peer-reviewed papers and conference papers including 10 patents and 62 technical reports.
and Stephen Wilde, a fellow of the Royal Meteorogical Society: Stephen Wilde has been a Fellow of the Royal Meteorological Society since 1968. The first two article's from Mr Wilde were received with a great deal of interest throughout the Co2 Sceptic community.
you are BLINDLY purporting that my theories are dreamt up by me but you fail to even comprehend the science behind the information.
a true scientist would investigate.
people make their own minds up, you have obviously made yours and the more you keep trying to discredit me all the time the more I am going to keep making your blood boil!! ha ha!