what Roadrat said!! (some of us have work to do too!)
why would he believe what I say!? in fact everything i mention has come from other sources anyway. I can't help the fact that you bend the info to suit your all-conquering, superior knowledge of EVERYTHING!
here it is in BLACK and WHITE you plantpot as to what I am saying:
1. warming has stopped in 2008 2. we MIGHT be heading in to a cooling phase 3. this phase MIGHT be serious 4. the Sun dictates our climate 5. no amount of CO2 increases temperatures 6. man does not have the impact on climate mainstream science and media think 7. there are more THEORIES about other factors influencing climate: these COULD be DARK ENERGY / MATTER, OTHER GALACTIC BODIES FORCES etc 8. our own Planets natural changes (here's a fact for your pipe; the chandler wobble has almost stopped!) including orbit, tectonic activity, magnetopause, atmosphere, stratosphere, troposphere, volcanos 9. ant restorit!
here's something recent for you:
“Even Doubling Or Tripling The Amount Of CO2' Will Have 'Little Impact' On Temperatures,” says Dr. Geoffrey G. Duffy, a professor in the Department of Chemical and Materials Engineering of the University of Auckland, NZ. Duffy has published 218 journal, peer-reviewed papers and conference papers including 10 patents and 62 technical reports.