Nik.... you must know different Mechanics that I do!
Damn it.... it's a 'badge of honour' for most garage mechanics to have SnapOn Tools and a SnapOn Tool box!
You really DO know more 'race teams' than I do (no sarcasm there at all, promise!) but I can't remember the LAST car dealership or Coach Company workshop that I went into that DIDN'T have more SnapOn Boxes than anything else!
Go to ANY garage and, on one day of the each week, you'll find the SnapOn van there. The 'new mechanics' will be getting into MASSIVE debt buying a 'new tool' each week on HP only to discover they have an outstanding debt to SnapOn between £5,000 and £15,000!
Remember, the CHEAPEST empty tool box from the 'Hertitage' range is now an EYE-WATERING £2,700 pounds ON ITS OWN!