You ask: "Where are the three ['wrong'] counts?" in your statement:-
"Global warming is happening, that cannot be disputed, it is a measurable fact"
Here goes:-
1) "Global Warming is happening...." Well, not if you are Singers and probably not if you are RoadRat. Singers is telling us we are NOT seeing global warming, we are actually in a global COOLING situation. RoadRat CANNOT believe in global warming simply because Scientists TELL us that we are and he will not believe a WORD they say! Therefore, if they SAY we are warming, we must eitrher be 'static' or 'cooling'!
2) "...that cannot be disputed.....". Oh yes it CAN because that is EXACTLY what Singers and (probably) RoadRat ARE doing! Singers DOES dispute it REPEATEDLY and RoadRat disputes what scientists say BECAUSE they are scientists!
3) ".....it is a measurable fact.". No it ISN'T! Singers will tell you that the 'fact' that Afghanistan and other places had a COLD winter shows that we are ACTUALLY cooling! RoadRat makes a MUCH simpler claim: 'nothing scientists can do will prove anything'.
So.... now you see why you are WRONG on three separate counts, exactly as I claimed in my reply!
Just to be CERTAIN, you KNOW that I KNOW that the background of your claim IS correct:
* there HAS BEEN Global Warming (and it looks like continuing) * it IS measurable * no sentient being COULD dispute it.....
.... however, there are non-sentients that DON'T believe it!