Ian, there is myth that a cars emissions should be judged on what comes out the exhaust pipe but like I hinted at you have to look at the whole
every car has emissions locked into it, the design stage, the resources and energy used to manufactory it......the way to offset these is to encourage people to keep using them and discourage them from buying new which again produces vehicles with hidden emissions, yes the exhaust emissions may be slightly better but taken as whole better to make use of the cars we have and reward the ones that do
New cars, as I said set a max emissions limit and force the car makers to focus on supplying a greener transport, but any car from the last decade will be greener than putting a new one on the road..when taken as a whole
Interesting you had the chance to offer solutions but didn’t but happy to post at length about what caused the problem......the fight is not with the why but with a solution
So put some cards on the table, at the moment you are just “holding” tax people off the road
And my post was split into 3 sections, no thoughts on the other 2