Any racing is about the money and money buys you the find out how much you can or want to afford and enjoy it...if you want to be in the top 10 at super 1 and i can only be confident with Iame cadet you need somewhere in the region of £20k and that would be a cheap season....if you want to be in the top 3 then you got to be spending around at least £50k. Cheapest and value for money seed last year was jonny wilkinsons..other than that everyone else spends in excess of £30k. Money and karting go together like fish and chips...all the kids are talented at super 1 level...just some have more buys you better engines...carbs and a team that work tirelessly for you but charge you a small fortune for that service. A season with Fusion will cost you £26k.....and then your paying for engines, prep..carbs dyno...tyres entry fee's etc on top of that...but you will get a good chance at a top 10 with a talented i said in the start if you got the money then go super 1...if not stay at club level and enjoy the racing and now again when super 1 visits you might take an odd scalp....but there is no route to a proffessional drive without 100's of thousands of pounds regardless of how talented your driver is...have fun