It sounds as if you have fallen foul of the 'sit forward' problem. If you sit forward in your seat and lean sideway, the corner of the seat drives in right under the armpit.
If you do it while driving, then damaged ribs become a way of life.
The cure is to force yourself to sit back in the seat and make sure that when going into a corner your back is against the seat back.
Other symptoms of the problem are finding that when you go into corners you grip the steering wheel very hard and lock your shoulder muscles. The cure for that is Pilates or a similar fitness program to build up the 'core' abdominal muscles.
Being hit from behind will, of course, bounce you forward in the seat as well as throwing you sideways.
Tillet do, or did, a seat mounted rib system, like foam covered seat extensions, which bolt onto the top corner of the seat( Or you can use a foam covered number plate panel, bent to hold you back in the seat) Form my own experience both are effective in preventing damage especially if used in conjunction with a hard rib protector.
But they don't stop all pain!