Dave, and as I have said before, doing nothing isn't an option and the Extreme is the only solution being presented that, in my view, responds to the two fundamental problems with the 160s - cost and performance disparity.
With an extreme you will be on the same equipment as one of the pro drivers and, all else being equal, you can measure your ability against them. I don't really get the need for a separate clubman class. Surely racing in a class you race against everyone else in that class.
Buy back is flawed even if it had been universally adopted as this does not stop cheque book racing. If you were that way inclined you could still pay big money for the biggest sp and know that you risk it being bought at the end of a meeting for £500. With the extreme buy back or exchange that can't happen as more money does not buy bigger engines.
Are you aware just how many engines were actually bought in EPEC under the buy back scheme??