You are nearly correct. With the engine fixed at TDC there will be a simply gauge used to set the timing from a fixed point on the engine casing. The T1 and T2 will be different. Where they are set is yet to be released and this should partially equalise the performance of these engines.
I do, however, think there should also be a change to the T1 spec to make it more equal to the T2. Whether that is a slightly further advance (or less retarded to be more accurate) or the removal of one or more of the 200 head gaskets I am not sure which would be best but something needs to be done. Until last weekend I hadn't really seen the difference but a pair of big T2s against a big pair of T1s at Warden Law last weekend there was simply no comparison. And neither were SPs!
I know Kelvin has focused his attention on the flywheel position but true club level racing needs the T1s to last a little longer than Super 1 and EPEC. I mentioned this to Kelvin earlier in the year and will pick this up with him again.