Hi Bob, 1) Is it true that you have changed the format to stop the predictability of the last two seasons and introduced the new format to allow new switched on teams to have a real chance of winning the EPEC Championship.
2) Is it true that teams will have ample time to practise ( voluntary) on Saturday as well as practise and Timed Qualifying on Sunday.
3) Is the race format to be 2 separate Endurance races with their own similar scoring systems ? Will the scoring systems be different from last year because they will have bonus points added for the size of the class. i.e. finishing fourth overall but first in the popular class could get more points than first overall in a smaller class ?
4) Will there still be a Pro class where SP's etc are still allowed ?
5) Will there be a "buy back" class which uses less expensive engines ? If this class had 20 entrants and the Pro class only 5 entrants, would it be possible for the highest placed "buy back" to win the overall Championship ?
6) If a team wishes to cross over, mid season would that be possible ? 7) Would there be safeguards so that no "funny business" would be allowed ? 8) Have you changed the rules so that worn tyres can be used for race day practise ? Race tyres only used for Timed Qual ?
9) Are these part worn Bridgestone YDS less than £7 a set ?