I read with interest some points made over the buy back proposals with engines. I have tried to introduce this on two occasions in the past but felt no real enthusiasm at the time. However, maybe times are changing with the financial situation we all find ourselves in. First let me make a statement, after 30 years of being involved in the modern karting era, 1985 onward, I would argue Pro Karting brings out the best in racers, when you consider we run 24 hour races with hardly any yellow flags, and I cannot remember the last time we had to seriously talk to a driver over behaviour or attitude matters, with top racers being within a 100th of second over single laps, and only minutes separating teams over 24 hours, Pro karting should be taken much more seriously by the establishment, and those of us who compete or officiate at the highest level should be proud of ourselves, there is no better racing. But what can we do to keep the cost down to bring more people in but still keep it competitive ? 1 Tyres For too long to many invested interests have kept Tyres at an inflated price you can buy good Tyres and real them at a profit for £50-£60 a set a compromise perhaps but possible. 2 Engines Sealed engines, buy backs both possibilities, maybe pro classes no restriction but club mans the possibility of buy backs but not by over teams but the championship organisers haing a selection of engines available, well prepared and sealed with a draw at ever meeting to swap engines with anyone team, this would happen at every meeting with the organisers taking responsibility to make sure they are absolutely right. 3 Success ballast, a 5 kilo extra for a win, 2.5 kilo for a 2nd maximum 10 kilos extra dropping the weight at 2.5 kilo per round each time you finish outside of the top 3.
These points are just to get the discussions going so let's get our thinking caps on and try to keep this great class at the top where it should be!
Comments please all welcome Happy new year to you all and look forward to seeing you all next season.
Bob Pope