I've been an avid 2 stroke owner for a few years, love them, the ultimate karting experience out there, the noise, feel, look, simplicity, i could take the engine off and put it back on in 10 minutes! 2 clamps one fuel line a throttle cable and sometimes a zip clip, i loved it! But, at £300 odd to rebuild it (it was a tkm BT95, not the the 82) every 10 or so hours it just wasnt viable. Where as on the other hand the biland and its 30 odd hp and 300hours between rebuilds is just mental! Never mind the sound of the beast when they start up and are at full chat! So it should just be a case of everyone runs 4 stroke for there monthly meetings and then a few times a year the 2 strokes get together in a meeting an thrash the living day lights out of them! Just my pennies worth :) Thomas.........