Hi all, This discussion appeared half way down a previous post but was masked by the thread of the actual conversation. I think this question deserves merit on its own right. Let me pose it again but leave out a high level national title.
So... Can/could a father/mother and son/daughter win a serious karting championship spending relatively little money. I think we all know that "set up" is the biggest ball in the game so for me if you had a goodish straight chassis with good okish engine/s it would depend on the pairs ability to set the kart up. This leads to the driver having the ability and knowledge to do that job and the "adult" team member having enough basic skills to keep the kart together.
"Back in the day" this was very much the case but is it still true today??? I am going to help out our junior karting club no 1 in the Kartmania pro-kart series. This is country wide (almost a national champs) championship and we are going to use just a car and trailer with a complete kart budget of £1500. I would be interested to read thoughts on this. Knackerd now need a hot drink! Well ok a shandy :-)