I know this is a long shot but its worth a try. Team Bennett who race over at 3 Sisters has had a bit of bad luck over the weekend, they had their Kart Stolen from their Garage in the middle of Friday Night/Saturday Morning.
It would appear someone drove a van into the garage door, and took the kart…..nothing else, they left the motor bikes and other toys and took just the Kart. It looks like someone has been watching them bring back and to from Races and planned this.
Could you please pass the word and see if anyone within the karting community is aware of a dodgy quick sale of a 2005 MS Kart, Blue paint work and blue body parts, number 16 etc etc.
Needless to say Vicky and Brian who only started Karting just before Christmas are completely gutted! After just starting to get into the rhythm of the sport.
Any help would be much appricated.