Could any teams wishing to enter this Sunday Pro Kart Enduro at Hooton Park contact either myself (Jon) on 07545939902 or Bob Wilson on 07738718686 to let us know of your interest please.
As long as we get at least 6 teams we'll run it. All the info can be found on and follow the What's on tab, then Non MSA Race.
9.00am Signing on/Scrutineering. 10.00am 20 mins Practice 10.20am 10 mins Qualifying. 10.40am 2hr Endurance Full championship to race for. Best 7 out of 9 rounds to count. Points awarded as follows: 1st = 20Pts 2nd = 18Pts 3rd = 16Pts 4th = 14Pts etc etc.
Trophies awarded for each individual round and Championship Trophies and prizes awarded at end of season.
Cost : £90 per team Regs: TBC (Basics same as 3 sisters)