Adam, What a complimentary posting and I am only too pleased to help and am delighted you had such an enjoyable and successful day.
4 years ago I was in a similar position and decided on WL rather than PF because of the friendly banter in the paddock. What reinforced this over the years is the attitude of the circuit officials and owners to work with us to keep the racing and scrutineering correct and change and adopt even small things to make the series work better. Cheating is actively discouraged, however, for novices the paddock tends to self police and guide where necessary. It wouldn't be the 1st time that someone used the wrong tyres or bought a stepped keyway (or GX200 gasket) and had it pointed out.
Don't get me wrong it can get a bit rough, however, the officals are not scared to intervene - on and off the circuit. But it isn't always heavy handed. I got a gentle word for smacking young Ross through the back chicane when as he came back on line despite the blue flag. Unavoidable contact could have been a warning and I bet it was Ross's inexperience that gave me the benefit of the doubt but it didn't go un-noticed which is good.
So i hope to see you and Rob on teh grid next month.
And Ross (other than admiting my guilt) i have no issue being a club member to go racing. At every other circuit you have to pay a day membership of at least £10 to enter. £50 over 13 races is nothing - not even the price of a McDonalds which kind of puts it in perspective. Race or Happy Meal - you decide (and you don't throw the toy away after race day!).