With all due respect and subject to contradiction the info from prokartengineparts is wrong. It does state at the top ' for information only' dates from 2012, and refers you to the latest version of the MSA Honda tech .regs. MSA regulations have never allowed stepped keys(Don't know why) But.. you are running in NATSKA class11 so their rules apply. Assuming the 2017 NATSKA handbook has not been revised you have the choice of running to 'appendixJ'( Ignition timing as supplied, no mods or adjustment) or 'appendix J1' ( Timing adjusted using thinned down key to max advance allowed for a T2 by the correct gauge) In your position I would check that you have the right gauge for your coil and then set timing to the limit of that gauge after finding TDC using a piston stop and 'bisecting the included angle' You are then legal as regards timing for both NATSKA and MSA. ATBOL!