I have a recurring problem where the engine dies as if the choke is on and completely dies when you start to apply the throttle. If the throttle is pumped and revs climb a little then we can get the engine to rev to around 5200 but well below the 6200 we normally get.
I have replaced the fuel line, filters and checked the pump. I have also replaced the main jet (black plastic screw under the pilot screw) and cleaned out the carb several times.
When I clean out the carb the engine seems to run fine for about 2 hours of driving and then the problem returns.
I do see puff of smoke come out every now and then.
Any suggestions on this? Is it just a case of keep cleaning the carb or trying a new carb maybe? Could the fuel/air mix need adjusting although this doesn't change during the driving and seems to be ok initially until the problem re-occurs?
Any help would be greatly appreciated