No problem, send me your e-mail address an I'll send you the dyno plot of the back-to-back comparison I conducted on a dyna-pro inertia type dynamometer.
Also just to clarify I do not build my own engines, but I do service and deeply tinker with them on an independent dyno, and all well within the MSA regs I might add, the main reason is just keeping them in good health.
yep I find most karters (not all) are a tad reluctant when it comes to trying different ideas.
750, great bunch, I built and raced a Honda-blackbird 1137cc powered slicks and wings Vandiemen RF93 single seater with them in the F4 series back in 2002-2003, great club.
Qualifications mean nothing in karting, we regularly get wasted by people from all walks of life!