You can do it yourself but certainly not my favourite job.Oil out . Clutch off. Side cover off. Probably new gasket. Camshaft out. Then remove governor lever from top of crankcase and 'wriggle' the shaft down into the case and out. You then need to get the actual governor assembly off its shaft, nylon pad, steel washer, then the difficult bit, the governor assy is held on its shaft by a nasty wire clip. Most people use brute force and a big pair of pliers. Make sure you get all the washers etc. out! You then need to provide the pulse connection , either tap the hole in the crankcase top for a hose fitting or loctite a tube into the hole. Even if you stick with the rocker box pulse feed you must get the governor out or the bits will get mixed up with the crank.Reassemble taking care with the cam timing. You need the G4 valve springs.