There is a really useful German saying on this subject:-
'Punish 1 = Teach 1,000'
It's time the 'ring leaders' were punished, particularly if they are the 'top' drivers.
Aquila is right that the marshals cannot watch EVERY kart...... BUT..... THEY should be watching KNOWN offenders and the 'top' drivers. Yes, they will miss some of the lower-profile-offenders BUT they will catch and punish some high-profile-offenders. The punishment of those drivers will be widely known throughout the pits and the world outside and THAT will have an effect on them AND the other drivers.
The effect is always interesting. It usually goes:
1) Utter amazement by the high-profile offender..... tough luck mate!!!! 2) A belief amongst the 'top' guys that the punishment was a 'one-off' and won't happen or affect them in the future. 3) When you rigorously punish the next couple of high-profile offenders..... THEN it begins to sink in amongst ALL the drivers that you are SERIOUS about enforcing the rules. At that point, you start to see a change in behaviour amongst ALL the drivers.
Job Done!
This 'change of attitude' will even be discussed on this and other web sites: 'Track X is getting tough on offenders..... oh.... HOW unfair!'. Who cares! It will get the new attitude at that track widely known! For example, many of us will remember the crack-down on kerb-riding at Buckmore park as it was widely discussed in these pages!
Yes, you will need to enforce the rules again occasionally once people forget the 'rules' but another single punishment will remind them that you WILL apply the rules whoever the damned driver is.......
Sadly, we all know this won't happen simply because the organisers are frightened of offending the 'top' guys..... No matter what they tell you, they CAN enforce in this way simply by making the some marshals 'Judges of Fact'. A decision by such a judge carries less chance of an appeal!
I have to say... yet again..... it was better in MY day. The CoCs of Tony (Kimbolton), Reg Deavin and Chalkie White (at Rye) left us ALL in no doubt that whoever you THOUGHT you were you were NOT bigger than Karting. They would take action against you if you overstepped the mark. One of two (or three.....) of them were right little 'Kommandants' BUT they were effective!
We had less SH*T from other aggressive race drivers than you do today BECAUSE it was regularly and aggressively stamped on! Jump the start twice....? Go to the back of the grid! Etc..
You could always choose to learn from history..... but you won't!