coincidentally thats exactly what I used them for, coaching my cadet son from the age of about 6 to 8 years old, we stopped using them about a year ago when he got his licence, as there comes a time, like when your racing, that your lad just needs to get on with it by himself......but I always take them along to to test days, and if he's struggling, we put the radios on for a session in order to talk him through a few laps.......anyway, to answer your question, the bluetooth intercoms are like having a phone call, by default you dont need to press any buttons to speak, no matter what head-set you use, you just put them on, turn them on and get them linked together and your both talking to each other.....what is also super helpful is you can hear his engine note and easily work out where he is lifting and off throttle and start to correct him.
As a teaching tool, the radios were very helpful, unfortunately highly frowned upon on these forums, but all kids react differently to different methods, its certainly worth a try for £60......another top tip is to get some surgical tap and tape the ear pieces into his ears as they easily fall out when you put the helmet on, its aggro putting it all on, but it works for sure.