Graeme, you're obviously a sensible bloke and I don't want to over-paraphrase your main post, but are you saying that Extreme is making the best of a bad job ?
Whatever, I just don't see, looking at it in as wide a sense as possible, what was so wrong with anything outside the SP world. I've done EPEC rounds and been (as far as I'm concerned) competitive enough with £500 engines under Buy-Back rules. When I've been passed by a Pro class runner, do I think 'Wow, he's good' ..... no. Am I tempted, or more to the point able, to buy an SP ...... no. When I'm passed by a Clubman, do I think 'Wow, he's good' ........ sometimes, yes. Does that terribly bother me .......... no. I'll beat him next time. Isn't that what is being attempted with Extremes ? That, you know, exists at the moment.
I'm not going to repeat all my un-answered questions from previous threads, so, I give up.
Some will do it some won't.