Oh no!! Sounds like that'll eat our clutches!! ;) Only joshing, sounds like a good idea.
I think we should also clarify, as I think some of us don't treat a Stop Box, as what it says on the tin...
Once we have come to a *COMPLETE STOP* in each of the Stop Boxes, we can then proceed.
i.e.: We do NOT need to wait for confirmation from a Marshall before setting off from that stop box again. If we have to wait, a Marshall may have his attention elsewhere which could lose valuable time for that team. Worth mentioning as racing is incredibly close these days; and we'll only complain :)
To that end, maybe Marshalls can keep an eye on teams and how they are treating the Stop Boxes. For example:
- Are some teams just slowing down and not coming to a complete stop? - Nearly stopping with just a small roll?
Both should be deemed a no-no as nothing other than a *COMPLETE STOP* should be acceptable.
How long do we stay stopped for? As long as it takes to take your foot off the brake and on the gas I'd say! Provided it is visual that your wheels have stop moving for a short period of time we should be good. As long as we're all fair with this approach and don't look to get the upper hand in the pit-lane, there should be no need to pose any further restrictions in the pit-lane, and hopefully this will help level the playing field in terms of pit-stop times too.
For repeat offenders of not coming to a COMPLETE STOP, maybe penalties should be issued after warnings have been given.