I respect you, Brian, and I deeply respect your technical knowledge: I'll therefore not enter a slanging match with you.
But....t hat's odd, Brian. I didn't think my anti-bike stance entered into my discussions about the inertial problems of flywheels. Perhaps it did... or perhaps you choose to use this as a smoke screen as you clearly lack any other factual data on the matter.
The concept that Clutch and Gears don't affect the effect of 'flywheel' is amusing. Do you thus deny that the 'hampering' effect of a large flywheel WOULD be less in 6th gear than in 1st gear......? That's one I'd like to see you deny....! Have you tried changing gear rapidly and clutchlessly on a vehicle with a MASSIVE flywheel...? I have.....
We now stand poles apart. The cure is simple: we need someone who has the maths/engineering knowledge to put some figures on the data. I trust that such data will convince one or both of us. Who do we know who might be able to help? NikG or Simon, possibly? The discussions with a heavy flywheeled, multi cyclider ex-road-bike engineer WAY back in the 1970s don't seem that relevant. If not, we will need to agree to differ on this one.
However, we can resolve one disagreement by you actually answering the question I asked about your original position: how does high 'tuning costs' (lightening a flywheel) substantially affect the running costs as you imply?
With great respect