I think the no wet rule for endurance racing is stupid as it removes an element of strategy and skill (being able to change tyres quickly) from the racing.
It works at somewhere like 3 Sisters becase the races aren't very long. Its fun for a 45 min to 60 min stint, but quite frankly who wants to drive round for 6 hours slipping and sliding everywhere, it is totally dull!
For non MSA Sprint racing the format of no wets again works based on the fact it caps costs... But A new set of YDS verses an old set is worth like 2 seconds a lap (on anything from a damp circuit to flooded), so depending on what tyre you're using it doesn't really cap costs. Again 20 laps of sliding about then coming off an having a chat about it is fun!
Are they running a teesside in December? I think I might pop down.