Use your brain, sonny..... NONE of us can act like 'vigilantes'.... because NONE of us are given that power (look up the meaning of the word 'vigilante'!)....and NONE of us W*A*N*T that power!
What we are doing is acting like RESPONSIBLE citizens.... that's become unfashionable in wider society..... but I don't give a **** about 'fashion'!
All that those of us who DO want to protect this site are asking is to be EQUAL to each other.... NONE of us are 'moderators', nor want to be!
On the subject of Dick and Martin acting... had you been BOTHERING to read the site as precisely as you pretend, you'd notice quite a FEW threads vanish...... but you don't notice that!
If you don't like what I write, I would EXPECT you to write and complain..
... oh..... how strange......
...... that's E*X*A*C*T*L*Y what you H*A*V*E just done!
Unlike you, I APPLAUD your action...... I would ENCOURAGE you so to do! If yopu don't like something.... SAY SO!
The difference between us is that YOU want to be able to 'complain' but don't want the REST of us to be able so to do! That AIN'T going to happen!