the best tyres are sl1 dunlops,but you will also have to get some tyre "grip" softner stuff. at the lydd sprints we are allowed to use it, after you have used them for the first time you must paint a few coats on, then before you next go, you must put a good coat of the stuff on for five to seven days before,but dont put it on the night before as it needs to soak in, this stuff costs about 40 pounds/ 2.5 ltrs but it will make the tyres about half a second + quicker than new dunlops, but the best thing is they stay as quick (as long as you treat them before use) right up to the point that the canvas shows!! this is 100% true and i have finished either first or second in the last four sprint championships, so i do know this. if you want any further help put a mob number down and i'll call you, hope that helps.