You are asking for what we USED to allow in various classes, YEARS ago..... but got 'banned'.
What you are asking for is 'blueprinted motors' where a 'tuner' may adjust many components until they fit the 'description' of the motor on the design.
As you know, manufacturing is done to 'tolerances'. So long as the part fits within the 'range' of tolerances, it can be sold. Thus, two components which 'mate' but are at opposite ends of the tolerance ranges will 'mate' badly, making the engine slower. Blueprinting allows the 'tuner' to bring them 'in-line' with each other and thus return the 'power' to 'design' levels. Effectively, you end up with everyone having 'factory selected' engines at a FRACTION of the price of a 'factory selected engine'.
The rules for blueprinted engines would allow work to be done to certain components up to the level where they remain NO BETTER than the 'design'.
Yes, blueprinted engine DO cost 'more'..... however, nowhere NEAR as much going down the 'factory selected components' route.... and it puts a DEAD STOP on the situatiuon where an engine may change hands for £10,000 as claimed for a recent Cadet motor!
The final result is that for a SLIGHT increase in price, everybody has a VERY similar motor.....
Us 'old karters' weren't as daft as some people THINK we were!