How very FRENCH!
Honda don't HAVE an 'approach to karting'.... how can ANYONE object to a non-existant attitude! Honda don'tr give a **** about the Gx160 being used in karting. They did NOT make it for us and we haver chosen to use DESPITE knowing Honda's views on it!
If France DOES 'withdraw' the Honda from Racing, Honda won't even NOTICE.
Just like the Rotax.... this is a problem that WE have allowed to be created by KARTERS THEMSELVES! At least the Rotax was INTENDED for karting, albeit LEISURE karting.... not RACE karting.
Had the powers that be used a SINGLE OUNCDE of common sense, they'd have put VERY strict and very EASY to enforce limits on what could be done to a Honda.... they didn't and we are now whaere we are howling that about Honda's attitude.
The nearest analogy would be like a Scottish Midge complaining about humans' attitudes towards their breeeding requirements. Karting has an even SMALLER effect on Honda than a Midge bite does to a human!
Honda have not even NOTICED us so I am sure they will be REALLY hurt if the French stop using their engines! AS IF!