I think you have to remember the main reasons that over boring was outlawed for the Honda regs. Back in the mid 90's (i'm sure some of you go back that far lol)a rebore just meant popping down to your local boring shop £10-00 a block and job done. Then over the next couple of years, with the advent of more technically minded engine builders searching for the extra edge, MBR being one of the first, we then started getting into the realms race car technology with hot boring and torgue plate alignment etc and all the other expensive paraphenalia and before you knew it you had engines costing upwards of £1200 a pair (and remember this was over 10 years ago!) and every body, no matter where they were on the grid felt they had to have them.
The MSA and N4SKRA as it was then, made the decision, correctly in my view to go down the no boring route to try and contain the costs.
Kelvin Nicolls was quite involved with this at the time, maybe he can add some input??? If he can remember that far back!!!