this thread began as which engine tuner is best? and has developed into the old argument of prokarting becoming very un-equal in terms of motors.....
we have had this many times before im sure.. however this is very interesting as there seems to be a majority opinion that everyone wants to make the grid more competative , mentions of sealing engines, pooling engines, open tuning,.
trev rightley mentions other aspects which have greater effect ie chassis, tyre set up ,driver ability . However theses are all free of charge and easily put right and available to all of us where as a pair of stonking £2000 plus sp engines are very much not...
the most equal kart racing over past 30 years has without a doubt been tkm class. with a set fische and no sealing at all .. engines are very equal , easliy scrutineered at no cost,.. and engines arnt even sealed.. maybe something to think about. Or even better if honda got on board and produced a gx 160 kart engine with blue print tolerance from factory which wouldnt cost a lot more then surely that would be the answer....
road rat mentions a new spec motor coming out ! anyone got any info re this ? cheers