personally i think it should of just been left as is,just because we had a couple of incidents everyones crying and doesnt want to play! some drivers came to the circuit for the first time some hadnt even raced before and they get chucked in a grid of 47,yeh they will learn we all had to? Splitting them will not solve it its still a race afterall.whats the point of having 10-15 elite flying round yeh youll have the best on the track but f1 springs to mind ull just have a few who are really on it and the rest also rans.Then youll have a big clubman grid with probably people RACING each other.both groups will still have crashes id bet a £10 on what hav we got now=fewer races a split grid and everyones bitching on,is this progress??????? prob would be best to maybe give it another go before we try to reinvent the wheel,i know ians doing his best to solve problems at circuit but i think we/drivers need more discussion as well??