Hi all,
Me and a mate entered a 2hr arrive n drive endurance race at 3 sisters at the end of August last year and with a lot of mistakes came 6th.
This prompted us to decide that we wanted to race our own kart but in all honesty we didn't know what to buy and ended up buying a kart because it looks decent and has the number 9 on it which is the number we had at Wigan.
We have since done a sprint race at Wigan in their karts but couldn't get within 1.5 seconds per lap of the fastest guys so will need advice on driving at some point!
Anyway, back to the kart - My mate got impatient and bought a 2005 Biz kart with Jeff Johnson tuned engines and no spares for £880 off ebay.
Can someone please give advice on what we need to look for on the kart? We know nothing really. We bought it in October last year, we know it runs but have no idea how to tell if it's straight and don't know what we should be doing in terms of general maintenance.
It also has a kelgate brake but the disc is a bit of a mess with several chunks about the size of a thumbnail taken out of it where it's obviously been caught on kerbs or whatever. I know this can't be good but is it a complete disaster? Do we really need to make buying a new brake disc our first priority?
Also, tires... How do we know if they're past their best? And what PSI should they be at?
Sorry for the long and messy post - I will get links to pics of the kart up asap.