The answer is there isn't one, Prokarting is supposed to be a budget class with off the shelf bits. It's quite cheap, compared to other forms of motorsport.
There will always be people who spend money rather than time, that's really what it come down too!
I have no time to spend testing, so I'll turn up on the race day with a new set of tyres everytime (for example). Now if I'd tested the day before, I'd have had to travel, fuel, stay over night, have dinner out, entry, any new bits on the kart.
Turn up on the day travel, fuel, tyres, entry fee, any new bits.
2 Day Meeting Travel - £50 Diesel (fixed cost) Testing - £20 Fuel - £10 Place to stay - £50 Dinner - £20 Fuel - £10 Entry - £40 Bits - £50 say
Total - £250
1 Day Meeting Travel - £50 Tyres - £95 Fuel - £10 Entry - £40 Bits - £50 say
Total - £245
The point I'm making is that it could be percieved that a competitor is spending more money, when they're not!
The stuff that hurts karting is the assumption that if you don't run out of a big awning you don't stand a chance! That sort of stuff actually run the Honda Challenge into the ground. It was deemed by many as being too expensive to compete in. (I mean compete, not take part)
It's motorsport, its going to cost you money! You just have to justify the cost to yourself, ie. I earn say £50 an hour so for me to spend 4 hours rebuilding one engine that's £200. I can get 2 done for £300 and it only took me 5 mins to put them in a box and give Roger a ring. We all have life beyond karting, I'd rather spend the time with my family than spend a day in the garage the costs are easily justified.
There are some on both sides of the fence that need to adjust their attitudes, because all this becomes is an argument about I dont' have this it not fair... I've got that, I'm never going to give it up.