The Dyno would only give an indication if it should be checked further by scrutineering .
The only way , is for a MSA Scrutineering working to the MSA/Honda/Ratro/God like rules the check the engines, this is why Warden Law Pays TWO to come to the meeting, ++ all the other jobs he has to do and all the other classes.
The so said non invasive checks, cannot see why any track would want this doing other than for a bit of fun ??.
It only takes a few mins to strip a honda and a very short space of time to rebuild it, so that cannot be a problem for most people and most quick drivers will have the head off after a meeting any way to lap the valves in and strip the carb to make sure its clean for the next meeting.
I think allot of thought from Brian P into this, , but why ?.
Just my thoughts any way,
Cheers Trev