axle bearings: -come sealed and unsealed (the part no.s indicate which) -can be metal seals or plastic seals -come ready packed with basic grease -gather dirt and corrosion if left open -do not work properly unless used with good grease -come in cheapo versions and better quality versions
Use as best a grease you can find and if it contains ptfe or graphite then all the better (there is a cycle lubricant from Halfords that contains a lot of ptfe for about a fiver for an aerosol can)
Don't fall for using the wd40 type of fluid as it contains no real lubricating properties and your bearings will not be supported under load and just run hot when you need them most.
-the best axles are smooth running, not necessarily the fastest when on the stand. -worn out bearings spin fast but don't work under load.
Fine emery works ok on cleaning up axles but need a coat of thin oil to help avoid further rusting.
Brian P.