I like Trev's bit of analysis!
I'm surprised that Steven is getting top billing over Lee and Grant. The playing field is going to be quite level I think...
Lee's been around a long time has lots of experience and is very fast. I enjoy racing with Lee he shows you loads of respect and I really respect that.
Grant has raced the best at National level and beaten them from time to time. Don't really need to say much more.
Steven has had success, but Lee's and Grant's 10 years + of prokarting experience he's not got. He's basically got a target painted on him because he's H's driver, there's a lot more pressure that comes with being the chosen one. The others don't have that pressure. That in itself makes it quite exciting.
Chris is very well rounded, I'd probably go as far as saying the one of the fastest if not the fastest over a single lap in the UK. Oh and 10 years + experience.
Ryan is the dogs, it's fair to say, fast consistent, the brain is well engaged. The all rounder. Worth watching!
So there we have it 5 possible winners! I think it's too hard to predict.
Then there could be the odd meeting when an International Superstar like myself decides to take part.