I got hold of 100+ brand new GX160 exhausts, we put them all on a test engine on the Dyno to get readings from +3 to -4 , from the exhaust that was on the test engine.
So on a average exhaust we found .7 , but people like 7-kart who do not have a Dyno cannot know what is good or bad and to dyno just one exhaust takes time and ££.
But I am sure all the engine builder will keep the very best to be sold at a higher price.
But the New people who will be sealing them are far to professional to mess around keeping the better ones back to make a few extra ££ , 7-Kart will be only selling new exhausts sealed at a fixed price and seal peoples own exhausts again at a fixed price.
I cannot see any problems other than the cost.
Cheers Trev