If you buy two G4's you will still have to degovern them and add the banjo's for the pulse pumps. This can be a bit fiddly and you should use a torque wrench to put the side cover back on. Your old engines should already have modified throttle mechanisms, race exhausts and air filters with the paper removed, put all these on the new engines. The new unused air filters, exhausts and throttle mechanisms, should get you another £50 or £60 back on ebay.
You might be better keeping your old engines for spares, but otherwise they should also make £50 +.
To get the best out of them, the new engines will want the heads off and the valves lapping after an hour or two, as new heads tend to twist a little from new and the Inlet valve leaks. But after that they will be good for a while.
Ultimately, if you still want more power, then have the engines torque honed when it's time for new rings, as this is better done on blocks that have been through a good few heat cycles anyway. At the same time the cam gear could be adjusted.