I would say it's worth trying both. The driving style between the two karts is entirely different - I started on MS karts and it's taken me a long time to adapt my style from an MS to a 7. I still long for the 'easy drive' of the MS some days but appreciate some of the qualities of the 7 too. I'd say that there is no overall difference in pace; generally the 7 seems quicker in the wet but the MS is easier to drive in the dry. The 7 can be quite hard on the arms due to the castor it runs whereas the MS can feel quite 'flat' sometimes.
New RPM engines is good, but they will take some time to 'come on'. You have to ask yourself 'how used' are the engines with the 7? Are they past they're best - frankly noone in their right mind would sell a set of used RPMs that were right at their peak as part of a bundle.
A kart trolley is worth £100 tops while a set of slicks and wets is only worth something if a) they're relatively new and b) they're the right type for the races you're thinking of entering. Regardless of the tyres that are bundled with the kart, I'd buy a new set for race day anyway so they're only any use for testing (and only if they're the right type and newish!)
The Kelgate floating kit is worth some proper money though - provided you like it and has been done right - it is possible to mount a floating kelgate badly! Also I've found that Kelgates can vary in feel quite dramatically (and I've tried plenty), so you ought to try this one and see what you think. In my opinion the standard MS brake setup (assuming it's the large black caliper or the new small black caliper and NOT the small gold caliper) is pretty good (If it is the small gold caliper, then you'll need to replace it because this was not a good brake - and this will cost whatever route you take).
I'd say this choice is a tough one, there's nothing obvious to choose between the two, so I'd choose the one I preferred to drive, and this factor would outweigh anything else. See if you can get to drive them both and buy the one you prefer.
Just my 2p worth.