Before i comment on the kerbing issue tho, great days racing as always, had a good CLEAN race wi Graeme, ( it can be done after all )he he he cheers mate :P
Gregor - superb battles all day, i must say much respect as we were so close all day and never so much as scuffed a pod.
I think they took it a wee bit far with the kerbs issues as honest to god i have seen other drivers and myself having used the kerbs much more often and aggressively (if thats the right word ) in many races previous to that meeting and nothing was ever said???? it always just seemed to be an added element to the lap, it was the racing line that everyone took???
I dont have any grumbles towards any of the guys at warden law because they r only thinking of safety and keeping there circuit and our karts in the best shape possible, the only thing id suggest is maybe to put a set of tyres closer to the edge to stop people abusing the run off on the kerb so much??? i dont mind what ever the outcome is as long as its the same for everyone.
p.s. the photo of me could be quite interesting as on one ocasion i was definatley entirely off the cicuit coz i totally cocked it up, as most of u know the best line is just over the kerb with the inside wheel and not all of them as it ends up jumping and unsettling the kart. ( hopefully someone backs me up with this statement ) pleeeeeeeease :P