Thanks for that Graeme, My Kart :- My kart wsa bought new off Howard at the beginning on the season, and supplied with RPM Race tuned engines, The state of tune I am unsure about, however they were on a christmas offer 2 engines including clutches for £700. they were bought as "race tuned" Maybe rpm can tell me what state of tune is. unless someone knows what a standard race tuned engine consists of.. My sons Engines :- Steves engines were supplied second hand with the kart,and are Torque power. when practising with the same set up and gearing my engines outperform Steves,in a straight line. He still beats me due to ability / weight. I am sure if we could improve his engines he would be well up the grid.
I have access to excellent engineering facilities and fancy having a go at the engines myself, i can carry out all of the above mentioned operations including the Machine honing. I'm not sure about the cam gear position but I will have a look at the pollard guide to see if it is within my ability. Thank you very much for the info I didnt want to break any rules for Warden Law.
I might swap my engines with Steve to see what impact it has before I decide to spend more cash.
What engines do you have and how much did they cost? is it worth buying matched parts engines second hand?
We will both be there on Sunday really looking forward to it.